How to deal with the Heat while Camping
Well, it’s less than a week until we see you all, and if you haven’t bought your ticket yet, there’s still time! Head on over to <a href=”https://www.tokonatsu.org.uk/registration/ticket” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>the ticket page now!</a>
This year has been one of the hottest years on record, and with that heat comes a good amount of danger. At the time I’m writing this, the Met office has issued warnings, suggesting that if it can be helped, you stay out of the sun entirely until the heat wave is over, and to definitely avoid the hours of 11am-1pm.
Given the nature of Toko, it’s unlikely anyone is going to be following this advice, so we at Toko-Retreat are here with some key tips on how to survive the heat, and to stay safe while having fun!
1. Stay Hydrated!
This one should be a no-brainer, but the number of people that don’t take care of this basic need every year is staggering. A lot of the first aiders time is taken up by treating this, when you shouldn’t let It get that bad.Carry a water bottle with you if you can, if not, there will be giant water bottles scattered around the site that you can get a drink from throughout the weekend.There should be no reason to go thirsty this weekend. Don’t be stupid, stay hydrated 😀
2. Wear a hat
Hats are cool. Everyone that you can think of that is cool wears a hat. Like me 😉 Seriously though, hats, especially wide-brimmed hats, provide protection from the sun on your face, ears and neck, and can help keep you cool.Straw hats work best for the keeping you cool part, but any hat is better than nothing. Also, it’ll help with visibility, keeping your peepers clear of that sunny glare!A bandana will also do if you don’t want to wear a hat, and if you want to stay extra cool, soak the bandana or hat first!
3. Sensible Clothing
It might be tempting to start shedding layers as the heat intensifies, but all this is doing is presenting more skin to Mr. Sun, and asking him to burn you to a crisp. The best advice I can give is to wear looser clothing, and let your skin breath. If possible, wear light and pastel colours, as dark colours absorb more heat, and will dehydrate you faster (refer to point one).If you feel the need to bare some skin anyhow, then always remember…
4. Sunscreen
If you’re showing the skin, or just have your arms on display, sunscreen is important. We recommend around SPF 50, but this will protect you from burning and save you a lot of pain over the weekend.When applying, it’s important to remember the back of the neck and your ears, as these are often missed and burn easily. Also, all you sandal wearers, your toes and feet are vulnerable too, and a quick application of some sunscreen can save you a lot of pain when you return to the world of socks.
5. Ventilation
If you can, leave your tent open, and let some cooler air in. Your tent can become like an oven in the summer sun, and that heat will retain if you don’t let it out. I understand that you may be worried about others getting in at your stuff, and leaving your tent closed while it’s unattended is fair. If you’re hanging about outside it though, then try and keep it open and airy.
6. Cool Boxes
These are SUPER useful. I’ve been using one at Toko for longer than I can remember, and I’m not sure what I’d do without one. They’ll keep your food fresh longer, and nothing beats a nice cold beverage at the end of a long day running around hot fields.
These tips will hopefully help you survive Toko, whether it be your 1st or 15th! However, knowing the signs of Heat exhaustion and heat stroke is important, so here’s what to look out for…
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke – know the signs
- Tiredness and weakness
- Feeling faint or dizzy
- A decrease in blood pressure
- A headache
- Muscle cramps
- Feeling and being sick
- Heavy sweating
- Intense thirst
- A fast pulse
- Urinating less often and having much darker urine than usual
If one of your party shows any of the above signs then cooling them down quickly is essential, and immediately seek assistance from one of the first aiders on site. If you’re not sure who they are, find someone with a radio, and ask them for help.
If you found this article useful, you may also like our tips on How to survive the Yellow Jackets from last year 😉
Stay safe folks, and remember to have fun! Can’t wait to see you there!
~ Rezal