• Tokonatsu 2023 News

    The Tokonatsu 2020 schedule is now Live!

    “Quote Tokonatsu 2020”   The Tokonatsu 2020 schedule is now Live! Click here to add the calendar to your Google account: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_5usvgk3o8c2v17qcqgh5m4t9d0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FLondon   Keep checking around the Facebook page for more info on each event, or if you can’t wait read the descriptions on the calendar!

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Ever felt a burning desire deep down inside to have your questions answered?

    “Tokonatsu” Ever felt a burning desire deep down inside to have your questions answered? A thirst for knowledge that cannot be quenched? An itch to know things that, no matter how hard you scratch, will not go away? Well, that’s probably a job for your doctor. Make an appointment. If that doesn’t work, you can always come to the Ask Toko Anything panel at #VirtualToko! It’s your chance to ask us everything you’ve ever wanted to know… within reason. And the good news is we’re not too busy running around a field to answer them! Head over to https://www.tokonatsu.org.uk/2020/ata to get your questions in. We will be taking a small…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Tokonatsu 2020 online edition!

    Well as you know the world we live in has changed… And due to this as we sadly know by now Tokonatsu 2020 is not longer happening as it normally would. However! Don’t think us at Toko-R and Tokonatsu don’t have you covered! We have all been working hard in the backgrounds in preparation for the online edition of Tokonatsu! So without any-further delay… here is the latest from Tokonatsu! online edition 🙂 “Tokonatsu” If you’re anything like us, one of the highlights of your Tokonatsu experience is the Masquerade. Sun, SPF, and sewing skills all in one place. What could be better? Well, we can’t quite recreate that experience this year,…

  • Tokonatsu 2023 News

    Tokonatsu 2019 – Thank you!

    Well, another year has come and gone, and as I stated in my last article, I think I speak for most when I say this was probably one of the best Tokonatsus ever! It certainly was from my perspective, which can sometimes be a bit too focuses on the events that we are running and ensuring that they go off smoothly. Since becoming a member of staff some years back, helping to bring you all these events has honestly been such a fulfilling experience. The entirety of the staff and the gophers really pulled out all the stops this year, putting in many hours to come up with new ways…